Monday 5 January 2009

How to use garlic to cure acne

All my life, I have always known garlic as a condiment for spicing food until lately when I discovered its medicinal value especially in curing acne. Garlic is known for its highly odorous nature. Active sulphur, the major component found in garlic works to eliminate acne and it is considered to be one of the first natural antibiotics.
The use of garlic for curing acne does not require much preparation. Its simple steps we can all try out in our kitchen.

  1. Splash your face with cold water, and then rinse it softly with warm water.
  2. Get some garlic, squash it, and mix it in a cup of warm water.
  3. Dip a clean cotton ball in the mixture and apply gently on the affected part.
  4. Repeat this daily (morning and night) until result is achieved.

    If this method is followed religiously, you will discover that it does not work only for tough acnes but can also remove spots, zits and pimples.

    Eating seeds of garlic can also help combat from the inside the bacteria that is responsible for acne outbreak. If you have problem with the foul smell of garlic, you may soak the garlic in milk for about an hour before eating. This will eliminate the smell and produce the same lasting effect of garlic.

    You see, you don’t have to spend that much to cure your acne. For more tips on how to cure your acne permanently using natural means, click HERE.


Anonymous said...

u need to add the follow me thing from we can follow you!

acnestation said...

is this really true?? i though garlic is for cooking only.hehe. hope u could visit my blog too my friend..