There is a significant link between diet and acne. Many foods have been connected with acne but recent research has revealed that milk is most likely the worst acne trigger.
A research by the American Academy of Dermatology tested 47,335 women to see if there is any link between milk and acne. The result shows that women who drink two or more servings of skim milk each day were 44% more likely to suffer from cystic and nodule acne. Women who drank two glasses of skim milk each day were 22% more likely to have suffered from severe acne than those who drank one glass serving a day.
Milk contains certain hormones that trigger the production of oil glands resulting in more acne. It contains significantly a high amount of saturated fats, protein and calcium. You can replace milk with other diets like veggies, nuts and seeds that also contains calcium.
If there is one food you should remove from your diet in your search for acne free life, it is milk. If you will be determined enough to do so, you will begin to notice a significant change in your skin.
To get rid of your acne, you have to deal not only with the above, but with all the contributory factors that causes acne. This will not only cure your acne but it will leave your skin shinning, flawless and acne free.
To discover more tips on how to live an acne free life using simple natural means, visit the link below
thanks..your blog is very helpful to many people specially teenagers...
Is milk really that bad? I've heard chocolate can worsening your acne though. very informative, specially almost all people has problem with acnee.
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whoowwwwwwwww.... thank god i'm not always drink milk...... thx for the info....... because the truth is im a coffee addict........ haha....... by the way coffee is a source of anti-aging....... hehe
Very informative information here. Thanks!
You make a good argument against milk. I can seen how hormones from milk could aggravate and acme situation. By the way, nice layout.
Thanks for the tips. It is very helpful. Keep it up!
Thanks for dropping by.
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