Acne is a skin disease caused by changes in the skin structure consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits.
Although there is so much argument out there, it is now generally believed that diet plays a very minute role in the aggravation of this common skin disease than was earlier believed.
Hormonal changes are mostly responsible. The hormone testosterone enlarges and influences the sebaceous gland in such a way that the skin flares up due to an overproduction of oil and the accumulation of bacteria.
Read on as I explain some nutritional issues related to acne.
Chocolate consumption: Research has shown that acne appearance is in no way affected by chocolate consumption; rather studies suggested that it boost the level of serotonin in the brain that produces a calming effect and stability. The fact is that chocolate contains about one-third anti-oxidants adults require for healthy living. Anti-oxidants help unclog pores.
Fruits and vegetables: a balance diet rich in veggies and fruits is recommended to acne sufferers, as this will advance the general well being of the individual. With the diminution of the body’s natural antioxidant in its fight against bacteria that causes acne, fresh fruits and veggies are required for quick replenishment on daily basis.
Vitamin A: studies have shown that newly diagnosed acne patients tend to have lower level of vitamin A circulating in their blood-stream than those that are acne free.
Processed food: it has also been suggested that there is a link between diet high in refined sugar and processed food like white bread, pizza, cake and pastries. These foods cause reaction in the body that that increases the level of insulin which in turn leads to an excess hormone that triggers the sebaceous gland. However these results need to be verified.
Dear reader, here comes the big question – Does diet provide remedy for our acne problems?
To discover this, click this link and get tips on how to put an end to your acne problem once and for all. You will have access to free mini e-course to help you cure your acne.
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