The Psychological Effects of Acne
Acne is a disease that nearly all of us have had to deal with at one time or the other in our lives. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease. It is most common during adolescent affecting more than 85% of teenagers.
Renowned clinicians, Sulzberger and Zaidens in 1948 noted that “there is no single disease which causes more psychic trauma and more maladjustment between parents and children, more general insecurity and feeling of inferiority, and greater sum of psychic assessment than does acne vulgaris.” Acne can be a devastating condition even with the mildest attack. Although it does not hurt your general well being, having acne can psychologically damage your physical well being. It could lead to reduced self esteem, depression or even suicide.
Many sufferers feel as though they don’t fit in and that everyone is going to notice the blemish on their skin straight away. They become so self conscious of it that they cover up what you can see with cloths or make up. Countless sufferers are always bitter and relate every thing to the way they look. The irony is that the people they thought are looking at them don’t even notice them a bit.
People tend to be more vulnerable to the development of depression when suffering from acne. Recent research in Canada published in the British journal of dermatology, revealed that severely affected patients have the highest CSRD (Carrol Rating Scale for Depression) score wishes to be dead and have thought of suicide. This finding highlights the importance of recognizing depression among dermatology patients. Signs of depression can include changes in mood, behavioral changes, negative thoughts, and physical symptoms such as increase or loss of appetite, trouble sleeping and lack of energy.
Although suicide is rare in acne cases, it is not altogether impossible. A study in the Australasian journal of paediatrics and child health found out about 35% of the 1,329 students with problematic acne admitted having suicide thoughts with 13% saying they had attempted suicide. This breakdown clearly illustrate that acne can have serious damaging effect on the sufferers.
The way out: Several beauty experts and dermatologist have prescribed various products and many acne sufferers have bought different over the counter skin care kits for the treatment. Most of these products don’t eradicate it; they merely improve slightly your facial look.
Wouldn’t you rather discover a permanent way out of curing your acne? The simple secret is natural cure! Yes, natural cure. This is what your dermatologist and cosmetician have been hiding from you to enrich themselves and leave you impoverished and miserable.
After several years of research, proven means of curing your acne naturally without any side effects have been achieved. Unlike similar natural acne treatment that I found, this one is highly practical and you can incorporate it into your daily life. It’s very rare, highly unique and powerful acne curing system, which very few people even know exists. To discover this secret, click here - Acne No More, e-books on how to put an end to your acne problem once and for all. You will have access to free mini e-course to help you cure your acne.
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