Thursday, 8 January 2009

5 Top FAQ about Acne Scar

Following my interaction with people with acne disease, I have observed that many of them ask any of the 5 questions am about to give an answer to. I will try as much as I can to explicit in my explanation.

What is acne scar?
Acne scar is the visible remnants of acne after the acne itself have subsided. Acne often leaves small mark where the skin gets a “volcanic” shape. The scars tend to cause pockmark in the skin surface. There are two types of acne scarring. One results in a growth tissue while the other is responsible for loss of tissue.

What causes acne scar?
Acne scaring is caused by several factors. When the gland produces too much sebum, and bacteria get in contact with it, it may result to pimple, blackheads or whiteheads. Squeezing the pimple can cause scars on the skin.

Is there any treatment for acne scar?
The best way to treat acne scarring is to tackle it early and continue until there is achievement. There is however, a lot of treatment available when treating acne scarring. While we are used to the conventional means of treating acne, we are quick to forget its continual failure to solve the problem permanently. The result is usually evident just for few weeks and you are faced with the same problem over again.

How long will it take for my acne to disappear?
Timing depends on how dark the scars are. Very light scar starts fading away after a week or two. But darker marks take longer time. For some 6 months, others a year or even more.

Which product will you recommend for acne cure?
Really, it’s pretty difficult to get good product that work for everybody. The use of cosmetics in most cases has been found to have adverse side effects on the skin. Some treatment which may be suitable for one particular skin may not be for another.
I have always recommended natural treatment as a permanent solution for acne. Visit HERE to discover more tips and get the recommended e-book for acne treatment.

Monday, 5 January 2009

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Cure Acne

Acne is not just a teenage a problem, it is also common in adults. It’s a skin disease that does not respect age, sex, status or race. Its psychological effect can be very damning especially to teenagers. Are you getting fed up with this acne stuff? Just relax and let me share with you a natural holistic approach to becoming acne free by simply using Tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia in Australia and is known to contain antiseptic properties that are very useful skin disinfectant. Unlike other teas, tea tree oil is steamed by distillation to prevent the oxidation of the leaves, thus retaining the active substance. Pure, unadulterated tea tree oil can be found in health stores.

Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, between 5 – 10% solutions twice a day will be adequate. Tea tree oil is preferred to benzyl peroxide in treating acne because the later has been found to have side effect on the users.

From experience, some people suffering from acne complained about their skin’s sensitivity to tea tree oil. I will advise you start out with a very mild solution. Here are the tips:
  • Splash your face with cold water, and then rinse it with warm water Dilute 5 part tea tree oil with 95 part water (e.g 5ml tea tree oil and 95ml water)
  • Dip a cotton wool inside the solution and apply gently over the affected area.
  • Repeat this daily (morning and night) until considerable result is achieved.

  • To discover more tips on the permanent way to cure your acne naturally, click

    How to use garlic to cure acne

    All my life, I have always known garlic as a condiment for spicing food until lately when I discovered its medicinal value especially in curing acne. Garlic is known for its highly odorous nature. Active sulphur, the major component found in garlic works to eliminate acne and it is considered to be one of the first natural antibiotics.
    The use of garlic for curing acne does not require much preparation. Its simple steps we can all try out in our kitchen.

    1. Splash your face with cold water, and then rinse it softly with warm water.
    2. Get some garlic, squash it, and mix it in a cup of warm water.
    3. Dip a clean cotton ball in the mixture and apply gently on the affected part.
    4. Repeat this daily (morning and night) until result is achieved.

      If this method is followed religiously, you will discover that it does not work only for tough acnes but can also remove spots, zits and pimples.

      Eating seeds of garlic can also help combat from the inside the bacteria that is responsible for acne outbreak. If you have problem with the foul smell of garlic, you may soak the garlic in milk for about an hour before eating. This will eliminate the smell and produce the same lasting effect of garlic.

      You see, you don’t have to spend that much to cure your acne. For more tips on how to cure your acne permanently using natural means, click HERE.