Monday, 18 August 2008

7 Myths about Acne

7 Myths about Acne

Do you think you have known enough as to how to deal with your acne? You may be amazed that some of the things you already know about the causes is nothing more than a myth. I encourage you read on to find out some of these myths.

• Eating chocolate causes acne: This argument is unfounded and false. Research has shown that acne appearance is in no way affected by chocolate consumption; rather studies suggested that it boost the level of serotonin in the brain that produces a calming effect and stability. The fact is that chocolate contains about one-third anti-oxidants adults require for healthy living. Anti-oxidants help unclog pores.

• Dirt causes acne: Acne is not caused by dirt. This misconception probably comes from the fact that blackheads looks like dirt filling the openings of the pores of the skin. The black spot is not dirt but oxidized keratin. Built-up oils in the skin could cause blockage of these pores and could be reduced with standard washing of the face.

• Acne is transmittable: Have you heard some people say things like “You will contact acne if you play with her”, “Don’t kiss her, you could contact the disease”. These are all myth. Acne is not contagious in any way.

• Sexual activity causes acne: Would you believe that too? This is untrue. Sexual activities are not in any way connected to acne disease. The only relation with sex is in its prevalence in males than in females. During puberty, an increase in male sex hormone called androgens causes the glands to get larger and produce more sebum. For some female, acne is predominant during menstrual cycle.

• Only teenagers get acne: This is fallacy. Although the disease is more common among teenagers because of puberty, it is not entirely a teenage disease, it frequently continues into adulthood. Some individual will continue to suffer it well over their thirties, forties and beyond. Taking a proactive measure towards treating the disease is highly recommended.

• Oily skin causes acne: This is untrue. Acne develops as a result of blockage in follicle and formation of a plug of keratin and sebum. Whiteheads are the direct result of skin pores becoming clogged with sebum, a rather naturally occurring oil and dead skin cells.

• It will go own its own: Many people have been made to believe that someday the acne on their skin will go on its own. This is also wrong. It has to be treated for it to go. The challenge of sufferers of this disease is getting the right treatment. Many have spent several dollars to find a lasting solution to this disgusting skin infection to no avail.

My concern to see people free and regain their confidence and self esteem while eradicating acne permanently have led me to write this article. For further help, I strongly recommend this e-book - Acne No More, an e-book on how to put an end to your acne problem once and for all. You will have access to free mini e-course to help you cure your acne. This is a very rare, highly unique and powerful acne curing system, which very few people even know exists.

The Path to Acne Free Life

The Path to Acne Free Life

A proven and probably the best way to get to an unknown destination is to follow a right path or ask someone who knows the way to lead you. That way you are sure you won’t miss your way.

In our quest for cure of acne, many of us have followed wrong paths and are still in these paths. Remember that when you keep doing something in a particular way, you get the same result. If you want a different result, you have to change the way you go about it.

Let me share my experience, I was 17 when I had my first acne outbreak. It was not a pleasant experience at all. As I grew, I struggled psychologically for existence suffering from the mildest form of acne to the acute type. Then I began to use anti-acne products prescribed by my dermatologist hoping to find succour soon. Though I experienced some changes initially but it was short-lived. Like every other person who had been unconsciously enslaved by the gimmicks of these cosmetic companies, I made further search for a permanent solution to what is already becoming a monster in my life. Alas, the more I try new products the more my face suffers the repercussion. I had to discontinue some of the products because it was already having adverse effect on my health.

After much effort, I got fed up with all these skin care stuffs and quitted the use of any of them thinking this step could bring the respite I have been hoping for. Believe me it never did. Again I was scared of returning to my previous medication but was encouraged by friends who bought me some acne-free product. They boasted that it was the hottest selling product in town and that I will not need any other medication again after this. I summoned courage and began the medication. To my amazement, after a week I discovered it was really working only for it to backfire in the second week. At this point I was beginning to believe my acne had no cure.

I was in a grocery store in a hot afternoon when I met someone who suggested I should seek a natural mean of curing my acne. Initially I was skeptical, but had to give it a trial since that was my only last option. I began the search and I discovered it’s really possible. That ignited my curiosity and I intensified my search. While surfing the net one afternoon, I came across two sites that eventually gave me the lift I had been searching for all these years. Each explained step by step ways I could use the things around me in treating my acne. Unlike similar natural acne treatment that I found, these ones are highly practical and you can incorporate it into your daily life. Believe me, it worked. No more acne!

If you are ready to discover these hidden truths, I will advice you check out this website - Acne No More, e-books on how to put an end to your acne problem once and for all. You will have access to free mini e-course to help you cure your acne.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

How to Cure Your Acne Once And For All

How to Cure Your Acne Once And For All

Have you been struggling with acne without remedy? Have you tried many products to no avail? Have you spent lots of money without value for your hard earned cash? Are you fed up with all the so-called pills, creams and “quick-fix cures” for your acne disease? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you.

What is acne?
Acne vulgaris, commonly called acne is a skin disease caused by changes in the skin structure consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits.

Acne is a disease that nearly all of us have had to deal with at one time or the other in our lives. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease. It is most common during adolescent affecting more than 85% of teenagers and frequently continued into adulthood. The face and upper neck are the most commonly affected, but the chest, back, groin and shoulders may have acne as well.

Although, acne is generally non-life threatening, the psychological effect it can have on patients is damaging. Statistics have it that Americans spend over $100 million annually on non-prescription treatment, with hundreds of millions of dollars spent on prescription acne medication.

Causes of Acne
The main reasons why some people get acne and some don’t is not fully known. It is believed to be partly hereditary. Several other factors are also linked to its causes. They are:
• Family/genetic history
• Hormonal activity
• Wrong diet
• Inflammation
• Stress
• Accumulation of dead skin cells
• Bacteria in the pores
• Skin irritation or scratching of any sort
• Exposure to certain chemical compounds and many more

Available treatment for Acne

There are many available products for the treatment of acne, many of which unfortunately, have serious side effects and complications like allergic reactions, flaking, redness and inflammation of the skin. This is largely due to the chemicals contained in the products. Many conventional treatments that promise big improvement within weeks are likely to be largely disappointing.

I am an advocate of natural treatment for acne. I can boldly advice sufferer of acne because I was once like them, used all conventional acne free treatment to no avail until I discovered the natural means of curing it permanently. It is high time we began to appreciate natural means of curing acne and stop risking our skins trying all kinds of new products on them which have done more harm than good to our delicate skins.

For natural medication and permanent cure without any side-effects, I strongly recommend this e-books -Acne No More, an e-books on how to put an end to your acne problem once and for all. You will have access to free mini e-course to help you cure your acne. I will advise you stop any medication until you read any of these books. This is a very rare, highly unique and powerful acne cure system, which very few people even know exists.

Saturday, 9 August 2008


I am glad to welcome you to my blog. I started this blog with only one view in mind - To provide quality information and permanent remedy for the sufferers of acne. Join me as i expose the secret i discovered in curing my acne. A stunning revelation that your dermatologists and beauty experts have been hiding from you.
Friend, welcome to world of acne-free people!

Best regards.
Franklin O.